The ERP guide, for serious software selection
Welcome to the largest knowledge center in Europe for Enterprise Resource Planning. If you are looking for independent information about ERP selection, you’ve come to the right place.
Since 2007, more than 40,000 organizations have used our selection tool to find the right ERP software. During this time, hundreds of systems have been mapped, and there is almost no solution we don't know. This ensures that there is a suitable provider for every company, no matter how unique or complex the business processes are.
Although we are a knowledge center, we have a strong focus on software selection. Our service is not suitable for students or other private individuals.
What selection advice can you getIn addition to ERP, we also provide information in the areas of Customer Relationship Management, Human Resource Management, Business Intelligence, Document Management Software and Warehouse Management Software. We are currently active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain and the United Kingdom.